Crypto Tax Calculator for Capital Gains [USA]

We built this free crypto tax calculator for USA users who want to check their Federal tax status quickly. This calculator is for informational purposes only. Consult an expert CPA or tax pro always. Use crypto tax software if you have a lot of trades.

How to Use Our Crypto Tax Calculator

Follow these steps to quickly estimate your crypto tax:

  1. Select Your Filing Status: Choose the option that corresponds to your tax filing status. This helps in determining your federal tax rate.
  2. Enter Your Total Income: Input your overall annual income. This will help in estimating your taxable amount.
  3. Provide Purchase & Sale Amounts: Add the total cost of your first crypto purchase and the sale amount to determine your capital gain.
  4. Specify Holding Duration: Select whether you held your crypto for less than or more than a year. Short-term holdings may have different tax implications.
  5. Calculate Tax: Click the 'Calculate Tax' button. Your estimated federal tax will be displayed below.

Always consult with a tax professional to get precise numbers. This calculator provides a general estimate based on the provided information.

US Federal Cap Gains Rates

Single Filer

Taxable Income Range Capital Gains Tax Rate
Up to $47,025 0%
$47,026 to $518,900 15%
Over $518,900 20%

Married Filing Separately

Taxable Income Range Capital Gains Tax Rate
Up to $47,025 0%
$47,026 to $291,850 15%
Over $291,850 20%

Head of Household

Taxable Income Range Capital Gains Tax Rate
Up to $63,000 0%
$63,001 to $551,350 15%
Over $551,350 20%

Married Filing Jointly

Taxable Income Range Capital Gains Tax Rate
Up to $94,050 0%
$94,051 to $583,750 15%
Over $583,750 20%